Wednesday, July 1, 2015

one year older and wiser too...

happy one year mark... to me. haha wow is that so weird or what? I still feel new on the mission, but I am mostly just trying to enjoy every minute.. I have realized that I've lots some time, and I don't want that to happen in my next 6 months! also, at this point in my mission, I basically dont exist at home anymore.. haah because I only have a few more faithfuls that write every week.. my mother not being one of them (; but it's okay, I'll be home soon. no need to worry (;

this week has felt fast but slow at the same time. We were able to do intercambios with Confluencia and I was with Hermana Chumioque. Then we had entrevistas. We were also able to have a really great meeting with the bishopric to talk about the documents Los que no vinieron al redil and apresurar la obra. We had some really great lessons this week and a milagro!! 

First, Hermana Chumioque is a really sweet girl. I loved working with her. I could tell that she was a little bit shy in the beginning and afraid to do contacts or be bold in the lessons, but once we got to working, we were able to find a few really great contacts and potentials to be investigators. She is really smart, and has a strong testimony, she is also a really GREAT missionary, but she lacks a little bit of drive and boldness. Which is totally normal for her time in the mission. She said that she liked how we worked and felt like she was a real missionary. I was able to give her some advice about not losing any time or any moment to bear testimony of the truth. She seems to be doing really well and excited about missionary work.

So we talked with our bishop about the two programs happening in the area and he was able to give us some really good ideas and we had an AWESOME consejo de barrio with all the leaders. They were all giving ideas and are way more excited to work with all of us to achieve greatness in Limay. It was such a relief and I really feel like we will start to see lots of changes. 

Our milagro was so awesome!!! We couldn't decide what to fast for this week, so we kept walking and talked about some ideas, some things that our area really needs, and we decided to fast that a less active member that we have worked with would come to church and start to progress again.. because we weren't seeing much progress from anyone. Well, Sunday we went to peoples houses, called and showed up at church with nobody. We were kind of bummed... but we turned around and sitting in the last bench was a menos activo that hasn't come in a year and that we hadn't visited for about 3 weeks!! It brought tears to my eyes as he said that he woke up this morning, and didn't know what happened but had a desire to come to church. He went to all of the classes and participated and told us that he wanted to make it more of a habit to come. FASTING WORKS!! Wow, so amazing. (for Jess Hendry: JORGE GOYCEO....algo!!!! He sends his saludos (: )

I can't even handle how much I love the mission and working here and just feeling good almost all of the time. I just got transferred to my neighboring area. We closed our pension and I am now working with the cutiest Hermana Farrow from San Diego. We are gonna kill it here in Limay!! wahoooo (: 

Well, keep on keepin' on peeps. Love you guys, keep choosing the right (:
Hermana Terry

ALSO MILAGRO. I SAW ANAHI AND GUSTAVO in Centro this week!!! Best moment ever... if y'all dont remember, they are the couple that got married and baptized in Zapala. so great to see them. best tender mercy eveeerrrr (: 

also, sorry if these pictures don't work. I don't entender the technology. its hard.... :(


(I was unable to download Kylee's pictures for some reason but I think these may be some of them!  sorry if it isn't.)  She's so dope.....

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